We are excited to announce that we are now the publishers of the entire JOMAR Press catalog of works by Mark Schultz, including his groundbreaking iconic work, "Dragons in the Sky."
JOMAR Press was the combined efforts of both Jody Nagel and Mark Schultz, and represented well over 200 works by Jody in addition to works by Mark and many others. This is a lot of music! If you are interested in a particular title, please contact us. In the meantime, we will begin processing the music and making it available.
Twelve titles, twelve! from our catalog are scheduled to be performed at the 56th International Horn Symposium at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO this coming Monday, July 29 though Friday, August 2, 2024.
The works include (in chronological order of performance):
* not yet in print - coming soon!!! Tchaikovsky's laconic Arabian dance known as "Coffee", arranged for 5 trumpets and 2 flugelhorns by Kyle Millsap.
Our composers who belong to a performing rights organization (PRO), such as ASCAP or BMI, should let us know their affiliation, including their member number or IPI number. We will register your works that are in our catalog.
Composers who select us to publish their works, and who have previously registered those works as self-published, should edit those works' registration to list us as their publisher. On ASCAP, we are known as BRASS ARTS UNLIMITED, and on BMI we are known as WAVEFRONT MUSIC WORLDWIDE. Crazy, right? But that's just how it is. Let us know if you need any help with registrations or performance notifications. Do you have an extended passage where an instrument doesn't play? Don't delete those staves. Hide them.
Often in chamber music, especially in wind music, the composer will give the wind instrumentalist an extended rest, and the piano score will have a long section with empty staves except for the piano part. If you delete the empty staves to display only the piano part, then you won't be able to work in the wind instrument part without substantial reconstruction of the empty staves. It is far easier to hide those empty staves, and almost every engraving software program has this feature. Just hide them in the piano score, and then they will show up in the dynamic part as multiple empty measures, which you can turn into a muti-measure rest. We are excited to announce that we are now the publishers of the entire catalog of works by Jody Nagel from JOMAR Press.
JOMAR Press was the combined efforts of both Jody Nagel and Mark Schultz, and represented well over 200 works by Jody in addition to works by Mark and many others. This is a lot of music! If you are interested in a particular title, please contact us. In the meantime, we will begin processing the music and making it available. Most engraving programs have global information fields. For example, in Finale, you put that information in Window>ScoreManager, and in Sibelius those fields are on the File>Info page.
To enter the global information, you use special text fields. Again for example, in Finale you use Text>Inserts, and in Sibelius you use wildcards in a text field. Using global text information insures consistency across your score and parts, proper placement in your music, and facilitates easy corrections. This is especially helpful to us when you submit a piece for publication. For example, if you published this piece under your own copyright initially and later decided to publish with us, then we can easily change the copyright notice to include our information. The notice remains in the correct spot with the correct information across score and parts. Intrada for Joey, for horn and tuba, by Gina Gillie. A concert opener commissioned by Amy Laursen and Todd Cranson for their horn and tuba duo.