Our composers who belong to a performing rights organization (PRO), such as ASCAP or BMI, should let us know their affiliation, including their member number or IPI number. We will register your works that are in our catalog.
Composers who select us to publish their works, and who have previously registered those works as self-published, should edit those works' registration to list us as their publisher. On ASCAP, we are known as BRASS ARTS UNLIMITED, and on BMI we are known as WAVEFRONT MUSIC WORLDWIDE. Crazy, right? But that's just how it is. Let us know if you need any help with registrations or performance notifications.
Composers in our catalog who file US tax returns need to provide us their tax identification numbers, which in almost all cases is their Social Security Number. Royalties of $10 or more in any calendar year cannot be paid out without your tax id on file.
Click here to get IRS Form W-9. Send it to us by whichever method you prefer. |