Modern Warm-Up Method for Trumpet
by Kyle Millsap
To download the m4a audio play-along tracks for Bb trumpet scroll down this page, and then click on the icons associated with each play-along track. The track numbers are indicated in the book next to their exercises.
Modern Warm-Up Method for Trumpet is a distinct approach to daily warm-up that breaks down exercises into graduated difficulties, lengths, and keys in four areas: breathing, long-tone, flexibility, and articulation in a progressive and logical way, based on the pedagogy of the Chicago school. The exercises are accompanied by helpful pedagogical advice, presented in an easy-going and brief format. Programs for different routines are suggested, emphasizing the flexibility of the approach.
Thirty-eight separate drone tracks for Bb trumpet help develop intonation, timing, and tempo, and are part of the method. The mp4 tracks may be downloaded from this page, below. "Dr. Kyle Millsap has developed an efficient inclusive method to get us going each day. It is a wonderful combination of traditional exercises enhanced by contemporary ideas. There is no doubt in my mind that following one or more of his daily routines will be catalytic in helping you excel in all the fundamentals of proper technique." —Vincent DiMartino, INTERNATIONAL SOLOIST ARTIST IN RESIDENCE, CENTRE COLLEGE PROFESSOR OF TRUMPET, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY "Dr. Kyle Millsap in his book Modern Warm-Up Method provides an excellent opportunity to conduct a daily survey of technical elements for the trumpeter’s day-to-day, whether professional or training. The variety of exercises, as well as a well-formulated progression of difficulties, allows for a coherent path of technical consistency that will surely help the musician in your performances in the most distinctive musical styles." —Paulo Ronqui, PROFESSOR OF TRUMPET AND CHAMBER MUSIC, CAMPINAS STATE UNIVERSITY—BRAZIL PERMANENT MEMBER OF GRADUATE PROGRAM IN MUSIC OF “INSTITUTO DE ARTES” |
01_mouthpiece_warm-up_track.m4a |
02_long_tone_series_1_-_major_track.m4a |
03_long_tone_series_1_-_minor_track.m4a |
04_long_tone_series_1_-_whole_tone_track.m4a |
05_long_tone_series_2_-_major_track.m4a |
06_long_tone_series_2_-_minor_track.m4a |
07_long_tone_series_2_-_whole_tone_track.m4a |
08_long_tone_series_3_-_major_track.m4a |
09_long_tone_series_3_-_minor_track.m4a |
10_long_tone_series_3_-_whole_tone_track.m4a |
11_long_tone_series_4_-_major_track.m4a |
12_long_tone_series_4_-_minor_track.m4a |
13_long_tone_series_4_-_whole_tone_track.m4a |
14_flexibility_exercise_1_track.m4a |
15_flexibility_exercise_1_extended_track.m4a |
16_flexibility_exercise_2_track.m4a |
17_flexibility_exercise_2_extended_track.m4a |
18_flexibility_exercise_3_track.m4a |
19_flexibility_exercise_4_track.m4a |
20_flexibility_exercise_4_extended_track.m4a |
21_flexibility_exercise_5_track.m4a |
22_flexibility_exercise_5_alternate_track.m4a |
23_articulation_series_1-1_track.m4a |
24_articulation_series_1-2_track.m4a |
25_articulation_series_1-3_track.m4a |
26_triple_tongue_series_1-1_track.m4a |
27_triple_tongue_series_1-2_track.m4a |
28_triple_tongue_series_1-3_track.m4a |
29_articulation_series_2_-_major_track.m4a |
30_articulation_series_2_-_natural_minor_track.m4a |
31_articulation_series_2_-_harmonic_minor_track.m4a |
32_articulation_series_2_-_melodic_minor_track.m4a |
33_articulation_series_2_-_whole_tone_track.m4a |
34_triple_tongue_series_2_-_major_track.m4a |
35_triple_tongue_series_2_-_natural_minor_track.m4a |
36_triple_tongue_series_2_-_harmonic_minor_track.m4a |
37_triple_tongue_series_2_-_melodic_minor_track.m4a |
38_triple_tongue_series_2_-_whole_tone_track.m4a |