Mother Goose Tales, for horn, narrator, and piano
by Jeffrey Agrell
Mother Goose Tales owes its existence to a student of mine, Michelle Hascall, who was in need of one more piece for her recital, with the restriction that it be something for children with an instrumentation of horn, piano, and narrator. Since I had just finished a one-year stint as a Saturday-morning storyteller in a children’s bookshop, and a five-year stint as a bedtime storytelling father, the idea of setting some nursery rhymes to fill the bill came to mind immediately. There are a huge number of Mother Goose rhymes, some very well known, many much less familiar. I chose some of both types—eight in all—selected for variety, humor, musical possibilities and rhythm. The order of the movements was determined by Michelle.
Movements Wee Willie Winkie Three Wise Men from Gotham Dance to Your Daddy Dr. Fell Monday’s Child Two Cats of Kilkenny The Man in the Wilderness Little Miss Muffett |