Never Forgotten, for solo Bb trumpet
by Kim Scharnberg
I wrote “Never Forgotten” for my friend Phil Snedecor and it features him playing the Instrument of Hope, a trumpet made from spent bullet casings, by Josh Landress. Gun violence prevention has become an important cause for me ever since I worked on a benefit concert called 'From Broadway With Love' following the tragedy in Sandy Hook/Newtown, Connecticut. We also did concerts for Orlando/Pulse Nightclub and for Parkland, Florida.
I worked closely with many of the students in Parkland, two young women in particular – students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School – who wrote an anthem called 'Shine' and the charity they helped found called Shine MSD. This, in turn, led to the creation of the trumpet called the Instrument of Hope. I produced a video featuring 66 of America's finest trumpet players from New York City and Los Angeles that was released in 2020 right before the pandemic shut the world down: Shine (Instrument of Hope) - YouTube More info can be found here: InstrumentOfHope. - Kim Scharnberg circa 2:00 - solo anthem, contemplative